welcome to Humidor

Käse, Humidor

Do you already know ours Cheese-Humidore?

Maybe you know one Humidor for valuable cigars that have to be kept in a very specific microclimate - but what does that have to do with cheese ?! Lots of things: because cheese also needs a special climate in order to ripen optimally and develop its full, characteristic aroma.

This ripening process usually takes place in the cheese cellar; As soon as the cheese is packaged and is on the shelf, the taste can no longer be influenced. The natürli zürioberland ag has therefore developed a unique sales concept: We bring the cheese cellar to the customer so that it receives maximum freshness, optimal maturation and perfect aroma.

Become Humidor enters a small-format cheese cellar. A regulated microclimate ensures that the cheeses find ideal conditions to fully develop their flavor. Our Humidore impress not only with a huge selection of regional cheeses, but also with the high level of consulting expertise of our natürli Employees.

Discover our Humidors At nine locations in German-speaking Switzerland, you can taste innovative cheese creations from your region or get advice on which cheese goes best with your menu or your occasion. We are looking forward to your visit!